The CSRD Series

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CSRD is part of the Green Deal that ultimately aims to create a truly sustainable economy in the European Union. The measures go far beyond reporting: from strategy and policies to performance management, technology and controls implementation to change management and audit readiness. Furthermore, implications entail decarbonisation actions and implementing due diligence processes. We foresee the highest impact and relevance in the transformation of the business. And we will share our different perspectives on the complex array of aspects around CSRD in 20-minute episodes.

Watch our episodes to understand not only what’s required, but also the real business benefits of getting this right.

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Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]

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