The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Webcast

26 October 2022

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Deloitte hosted a webcast on the topic of CBAM (October 26, 2022), which focused on upcoming changes including on the supply chain and how we as Deloitte can support businesses in preparations, operational compliance requirements and related sustainability goals. 

The European Union (“EU”) is planning to implement the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, with the transitional period already starting on January 1st, 2023. CBAM effectively entails a levy on greenhouse gas emissions embedded in certain goods imported into the EU.
An impactful requirement is that impacted importers must calculate and provide data to EU authorities on the embedded GHG emissions of the goods they import. CBAM has an impact on the supply chain from both a logistical and financial perspective.

We discuss all implications during this Webcast.

Please fill in the form on the right if you wish to receive the recording or get in touch if you want to learn more on the topic CBAM.

Rebecca Pehlivan
Partner Deloitte Nederland
Global Trade Advisory
T +31 (0)88 288 0901
E [email protected]
deloitte-nl-Priti Hoffmann photo.jpg
Priti Hoffmann
Partner Deloitte Nederland
Risk Advisory
T +31 (0)88 - 286 0391
E [email protected]

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