Deloitte Tax Sessions - Learn. Connect. Impact.

Become part of our community now!

Become part of our community now!

Deloitte Tax sessions are all about learning, connecting and making an impact. Formerly known as Tax Directors Forum we are now entering a new era with Deloitte Tax Sessions. On a bi-monthly basis Deloitte will immerse you in the latest tax news and trends. By joining the Deloitte Tax Sessions, you not only stay at the forefront of actualities but also earn two valuable NOB PE points.

Make sure to register via the registration form on this page. Than we will keep you updated on the topics we will touch upon in every session, thus leaving you the opportunity to choose per session which one to attend.

The following dates are planned for future sessions, sign up for our community to be invited for the next one.
Roy van de Ven
T +31 (0)88 288 2060

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