FHIR capabilities for IDMP

Unlocking IDMP Data and harnessing FHIR Capabilities for Compliance and Beyond


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 18 October 2023

Time: 16:00 - 17:00 CET

This webinar is a collaboration between Iperion, a Deloitte business, and Edenlab solution - the Kodjin FHIR Server. During this event, you will learn more about 
a unique end-to-end solution that simplifies the process of unlocking IDMP data from source documents and harnessing FHIR capabilities.

The Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP) framework, implemented by EMA through the SPOR program, standardizes medicinal product data management and data exchange. EMA's Product Management Services (PMS) system will require IDMP data in FHIR® format for seamless exchange of standardized and interoperable medicinal product information. Simultaneously this IDMP data in FHIR format also lays the foundation for advancements of creating electronic Product Information (ePI).

HL7® FHIR® offers a modern approach for health data exchange, thereby aligning with the IDMP framework as well. However, the transition from source documents -to- IDMP data -to- FHIR format can become rather complex.


Patrick Middag
Director at Iperion (a Deloitte business)
Life Sciences and Healthcare | Regulatory | IT Management | IDMP
Patrick has been involved in IT business solutions for the pharma industry with experience primarily in R&D and regulatory information management around IDMP.
Yemi Cole
Consultant at Iperion (a Deloitte business)
Life Sciences and Healthcare | AI Solutions | IDMP | Data Remediation
Yemi has mainly been involved in IDMP solutions for different pharmaceutical companies through the use of AI tooling and is officially certified as HL7 FHIR® Proficient.
Eugene Yesakov
Solution Architect | FHIR Evangelist at Edenlab
Eugene has been involved in National Healthcare platform development in Ukraine with 30M+ patient records and inventing a FHIR server used by US- and EU-based healthcare companies.

Registration for an event
This event was organized in collaboration with a third party, Edenlab. Deloitte may share the submitted personal data with the third party. Deloitte will only share the data subject's name and email address with the third party with the user's explicit consent for the purpose of sending commercial offers. A user can withdraw his or her consent to receive commercial offers from third party by contacting the third party directly.

For more information on how Edenlab handles your personal data, please read the Edenlab Privacy Statement

Patrick Middag
T +31 (0)88 288 1234

Yemi Cole
T 010 - 2222222

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