Register for Webinar: CRD6/CRR3

November 15 | 10:00 - 11:30

Join our webinar by filling in your contact details on the right.

The European Commission has just released its CRD6/CRR3 legislative proposal. For that reason, Deloitte will organize a follow-up webinar regarding Basel III Finalizations. During this webinar, early insights on the Commission’s proposal will be shared, it will be considered how the proposal differs from the BCBS framework, and the impact that the reforms will have on European banks will be analysed.

Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]

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