Data Liberation for transformation of regulatory processes

Data extraction and remediation for DADI and IDMP


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With EMA´s implementation of DADI, it is of utmost importance to align data and documents. As you prepare for DADI, there are several factors to consider. Amendment to existing processes, identification of document sources and alignment with structured RIM data, to name but a few! Watch our webinar to learn more about data readiness, challenges and our proposed solution.

With go-live planned in Q3 2022, have you formulated your next steps for compliance with DADI? Did you think of the business value of liberating your data to achieve valuable insights? 


For many pharmaceutical companies, the monumental and labour intensive challenge ahead of them is the extraction and alignment of data from documents, ready for submission in their DADI webforms. Join this webinar to learn how we have alleviated this burden, for a number of our clients – supported by AI tooling – saving significant effort for business and enabling faster preparation of structured data from document sources. 


During this webinar we have shared: 

  • The latest update on EMA developments and the impact on your data (and processes, technology and organisation) 
  • What data extraction for DADI and IDMP is and why it is important 
  • How to identify challenges and formulate ambitions for data extraction 
  • Our solution powered by AI tooling and a real-life case study 
  • How to explain the business value proposition of data readiness 




Amy Williams 

She is a Director at Iperion – a Deloitte business, has over 15 years of experience in Life Sciences, working both within the industry in Regulatory Affairs and as a consultant driving development and delivery of solutions to optimise Regulatory Affairs. 


Wouter Koolen 

Wouter is Senior Manager within Deloitte responsible for technology assets accelerating regulatory transformations in the Life Science industry. 

Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659

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