Artificial intelligence

Gain efficiency and define new business models by utilizing the power of AI

What is AI? What is Machine Learning? What is Cognitive Analytics? How do these terms relate, or differ, from one another? In general terms, AI refers to a broad field of science encompassing not only computer science but also psychology, philosophy, and other areas. 

Our report provides a series of articles explaining the world of AI, zooming in on:
  • The definition of AI
  • Techniques that are associated with AI
  • The most appealing business applications
  • Potential issues we can expect in the future

Further, we take a look at the latest 5 technology trends in the world of AI: Cloud, Big Data, APIs, Open Source. 

With the recent technological trends described in our report, we believe that the right time has come for organisations to start developing their first AI use cases. Start gaining efficiency and building new business models.

Fill out the form, and we'll send you the full report right away.
Michiel van den Heuvel
Consumer Products Lead
T +31 (0)88 288 4542

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