Consumer Products Outlook 2019
3 main technological opportunities for consumer products companies

deloitte-nl-cip-consumer-products-outlook-2019-cover.jpgAfter years of relatively slow technological advancements in the consumer products sector, 2019 is likely to mark a shift. A growing number of consumers research, purchase, and engage with brands digitally, requiring consumer products companies to adopt newer technologies or risk being outdated.

Three main areas of technological opportunity for consumer products companies are:

  • Supply chain: Traditional, sequential, supply chains are losing ground to dynamic and interconnected supply chain models. These new supply chain models allow for a better understanding of customer and supplier demand patterns, thus creating better connections and more innovation in production.
  • Engaging with the consumer: Disruptive technologies are creating more avenues for brands to have a dialogue with consumers. This takes place through direct-to-consumer sales, branded pop-up stores and in some cases, where online retailers are developing a brick-and-mortar presence.
  • Data transparency: Customers increasingly use technology to support purchase decisions and lifestyle choices. Innovative processes and products can help address requirements regarding transparency and consumer interest in health and wellness, organic foods and sustainability.

Learn more about these opportunities
Fill out the form on the right to receive the Consumer Products Outlook 2019, and get your business right on track for the future.

Michiel van den Heuvel
Partner – Dutch Consumer Products Lead
T +31 (0)88 288 4542

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