The impact of the new IFD/IFR regime

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We are excited to inform you that the campagne 'the impact of the new IFD/IFR regime' is live!

This campaign is initiated by Deloitte The Netherlands, to gain more insights into the new IFD/IFR regime in the investment management industry. Deloitte publishes an article series in which different aspects and impacts of the new prudential regime will be discussed. 

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Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]

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