The smart searchable legal and regulatory framework on in-vehicle data consists of a comparable overview of all applicable EU and Dutch legislation in relation to in-vehicle data, while uniform use of terms and definitions is safeguarded by the accompanying thesaurus. All parties with an interest in in-vehicle data can use the framework as a structured and neutral source to determine their strategic (legal) position, stimulate collaborative (IoT) projects, set up new ecosystems and it can help in facilitating qualitative discussions and negotiations regarding access to and the exchange of in-vehicle data.
The legal and regulatory framework and accompanying thesaurus may be obtained by all parties with an interest in in-vehicle data via an open source license. The framework and specific licensing conditions will be available in due course.
Please fill in the contact form on this page to receive updates on the availability of the framework and to pre-register to obtain the framework.
Frank Geelen Partner Deloitte Nederland CFO Programma T +31882884659 E |
Frank Geelen Partner Deloitte Nederland CFO Programma T +31882884659 E |
Frank Geelen Partner Deloitte Nederland CFO Programma T +31882884659 E |
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