Data Driven Internal Audit - What to do Monday 9 AM

July 9, 2020, from 12:45 - 14:00 CEST

Register via the registration form

Social distancing and remote working are the new norms. With the use of data the Internal Audit(IA) organization can deliver better value.

Despite many attempts, it is fair statement to make that most IA’s have struggled to become data driven. It is often considered a skill issue or lack of availability of the data, but looking at the broader organization leveraging digital techniques it is imperative now for IA to breakthrough this silo mindset and build a holistic and practical roadmap to become data driven.

Register for the Data Driven Internal Audit Webinar series to learn from our experts about the key take-aways that will help you focus on the design elements of your roadmap for data driven IA. These Webinar sessions will also help you to understand the approach and common pitfalls along the way and how we help our clients to shape a responsible business. 

Previous Webinars:

  • 25th June: Why is data driven IA relevant? & How to make a data driven IAF successful? - 12:45 - 14:00 CEST 

In this First Webinar we will focus on the ‘Why’ and the ‘How’. We will share high level thoughts and approach on how to come to the right approach and roadmap. Also we will zoom-in into the ‘Strategy’ and the ‘Process’ core components. Best practices on building the roadmap, measure success and determine the right pilots will be shared.

  • 2nd July: What makes data driven IA happen? - 12:45 - 14:00 CEST 

In this second Webinar we will focus on the ‘What’. Based on our high level approach we will zoom-in into the ‘Data’ and the ‘Technology’ core components. Best practices on Data modeling, tools and platforms will be shared.

Upcoming Webinar:

  • 9th July: What and whom do you need to become a (more) data driven IAF? - 12:45 - 14:00 CEST 

In this Third and last Webinar we will focus on the ‘Who’. Based on our high level approach we will zoom-in into the ‘People’ and the ‘Process’ core components. Best practices on operating models, stakeholder management and IA methodologies will be shared. 


Our Experts

Aimee van Wynsberghe.jpgRob de Leeuw is Partner of Risk Advisory and has experience in a wide range of risk transformation programs. He is an expert in managing global multidisciplinary Internal Audit teams, combining Data Analytics, IT, security and operational risk knowledge. Additionally Rob acts as sparring partner for multiple heads of Risk Management and Internal Audit departments

gaurav-luhadiya.jpgGaurav Luhadiya is Director of Risk Advisory and is actively working with clients to simplify and modernize their risk & assurance functions using advanced data techniques, cloud, digital, artificial intelligence etc. He is also leading some of the largest global IA clients with data analytics led transformation and continuous auditing initiative. 


Natalie Haal is a Senior Manager of Risk Advisory whose key specialization is Internal Audit (IA). She has subject matter experience in both internal/operational and external/financial audits, and has been part of several CPCRs, Risk Management, Process & Controls and Sox404 engagements. 


mark-wijngaarden.jpgMark Wijngaarden is Manager of Risk Advisory and is specialized in the field of data analytics, creating valuable insights with data. He is supporting the Internal Audits from our other Risk departments with his Data capabilities. His aim is to realize the value of data and improving operational efficiencies (and leadership insights) at his clients.


Deloitte will use Zoom platform for this webinar. Certain functionalities will not be used in order to be compliant with all European GDPR regulations. Within Deloitte Netherlands, we have undertaken our own confidentiality, privacy and security risk assessments and safety measures on Zoom, validating that our Zoom instance is configured in a secure manner and that any risky functionality is disabled. Also, your data will only be stored in our own Marketing Automation tool. For more information about these measures please reach out to us.

Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]
Frank Geelen
Partner Deloitte Nederland
CFO Programma
T +31882884659
E [email protected]

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